Beauty Habits I’m Teaching Jadyn
As Jadyn is becoming a young lady and growing up, she's slowly starting to be interested in beauty products and skincare. Due to the industry I'm in and social media, Jadyn is much more aware of products and beauty trends she sees online. While, she's not fully into the makeup stage yet, she does love to wear tinted lip balm and perfume.
As a her mom, it's been fun to bond with her over beauty, whether that be getting facials together (which you may have seen on my IG story) manicures, or letting her go through my makeup and play around with products together. Since she is still young, there are a few beauty habits I've been instilling in her and I'm loving watching her grow into a young lady- she will always be my little squish tho!!
With Mother's Day right around the corner, I wanted to share some beauty habits I've been teaching Jadyn.
Importance of Skincare
Skincare has always been a very important part of my beauty routine and with Jadyn turning 12 and starting to experience all the fun things that come along with becoming a teenager, we started to create her own skincare routine. Lately, she loves coming with me whenever I get a facial at Sonya Dakar. While I'm getting my facial she will sit under the blue and red lights that help with any breakouts and inflammation. She's becoming much more aware of what she puts on her face and has recently started using the First Aid Beauty Facial Radiance Pads and Sonya Dakar Omega Booster, with the Sonya Dakar Daily Shield on top. She loves getting ready for bed and doing her skincare routine, it's so cute!
Signature scent
Because Jadyn isn't into the entire makeup-wearing stage yet, finding a signature scent is something she's has been very into. She loves spraying a spritz of perfume on before she heads out the door, so finding something age appropriate and not too intense was important. The Jo Malone London Blossoms Collection includes some of her favorite scents, especially the Frangipani Flower Cologne. She loves the delicate, soft floral notes and how fresh it smells. It's perfect for her age!
Beauty Sleep + Diet
Getting a good night's sleep and healthy eating are two habits I've been teaching Jadyn since she was young. During weeknights, she has a bedtime and during the weekends, I let her sleep in and catch up on her rest. She knows how important getting her rest is, especially as a growing young girl. As far as diet, Jadyn is a pretty healthy eater, she loves her fruits and vegetables. We hardly ever eat fast food and I always stress to her the importance of drinking water throughout the day and making healthy choices. Getting your beauty sleep and eating a well-balanced diet isn’t an old cliché, it’s a must for having a healthy body.
Another important message that I stress to Jadyn is "less is more", especially when she starts wearing makeup in the future. When we play around with products I have, I make sure to explain how to and apply them. I want Jadyn to learn the correct way without overdoing it. Since she is still young, I like to share beauty tips on how to accentuate what she likes about herself instead of covering up what she doesn't.

True Meaning of Beauty
Self-confidence and teaching Jadyn that true beauty comes from within is a very important topic we have talked about since she was younger. As she grows up, I always stress the importance that she should never feel pressured to look a certain way by anyone, at any time. Teaching Jadyn to love herself no matter and that beauty radiates from the inside out are important values I have made sure to instill since she was young. While makeup can make you feel put together (and more awake in my case), it’s the way you treat others. That’s what really matters and that’s what makes a person beautiful.